Welcome Members!

Dear Property Owner;

The intent of this letter is to inform you of information concerning our neighborhood. This year brought many changes of ownership of lots and new home construction. Welcome to all of you!!! With this letter is the 2022 invoice which is due NO LATER than 3/31/2022.

CONGRATULATIONS to our new officers and board members; President: Cindy Hedgpeth, Vice President: Jeff Dickson, Secretary: Dee Wagahoff, Treasurer: Gayle Willey. Board Members: Rod Roberts, Barb Dickson, Sue Hall, Mark Crane, Greg Morris and Ken Hedgpeth.

Our annual meeting and clean-up were held on October 16th & 17th. Cost of 2021 clean-up was $1,615.92. Members were advised that we had spent $19,000 on roads so far in 2021 and expected to spend around $25,000 more in November. We appreciate all the volunteers that gave up their weekend to help.

The 2022 clean up is scheduled for October 15th & 16th. The annual meeting will be at 11:00 on Saturday the 15th. Volunteers are always needed! Please consider helping next year. It will be at the turn around at the end of Echo Street. Mark your Calendars!!! Bring a lawn chair and come get to know your neighbors and find out information about our community.

This letter is the main communication between the board and members. We can’t include everything in this letter but if you have a question concerning your invoice you can contact our Treasurer, Gayle Willey at 314- 575-8939. For all other questions go to our website “Turkeymountainestate2.com” or send an email to “poaoftmw2@gmail.com” and someone will get back with you.

The money we receive for dues and fee pays for the 15 miles of roads we maintain (STONE COUNTY DOES NOT MAINTAIN OUR ROADS). We pay for streetlights, street signs, stop signs, mowing, tractor insurance, taxes, and the cleanup. Costs have risen over the years and the small amount we charge does not go as far as it used to. The more dues collected, the more work we can do on our roads.

The roads are our biggest expense. With the new construction and lot clearing the traffic of workers and large delivery trucks has increased. We also have 3 different trash companies that come into our neighborhood. We suggest the use of Mo-Ark Trash as they use a smaller truck that does less damage to our roads. (417-319- 6282) PLEASE, if you burn leaves in the ditches or haven’t checked your culverts, please do so and keep them cleared with will help save our roads.

WISHING YOU A HAPPY & SAFE 2022 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Your Board Members